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From the radar you can find nearby settlements, planets and fleets that are on their way to missi...
Mission Control
From the Mission Control tab you can send you fleets on missions. Choose the fleet that you wa...
Our Vision
At Cosmo Crafter, we envision crafting a universe where every player has the power to shape their...
Our Mission
At Cosmo Crafter, our mission is to create a game that not only entertains but also inspires play...
To Martin, my loving partner
Martin has one of the most challenging roles: to listen to me talking about the programming, the ...
The Founder
Cosmo Crafter was created by João. João’s a software engineer with over a decade of professional...
When communicating with other players
We strive for a community and a player-base centred on mutual respect, collaboration and toleranc...
Using bugs, scripts, and extensions
It is forbidden to take recurrent advantage of in-game bugs for profit or the misuse of the featu...
When attacking other players
It is forbidden to attack any given settlement owned by an active player more than 3 times in a 2...
When trading with other players
Cosmo Crafter has made available a Trade Station that allows players to sell and buy resources, s...
Each player owns their account. Each account can't be played by multiple people. Account sittin...
... Properties Mass: Rarity: 5% Prevalence: 90%
Terra Tokens
Wave Credits
Frost Dollars
Gas Gems
Star Tokens
Leaf Credits
Lava Coin
Iron is a strong, hard magnetic silvery-grey metal, much used as a material for construction and ...